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3D Robot

3D Robot is a robot that can move things around in the xyzrxryrzc field. It can also have toolheads that enable it to do certain tasks.

It can also do assembly and finally it will be able to completely self replicate.

A rendered model is in the picture to the left.

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How it works

The Robot is made of two arms each has xyz linear movement and on it's end it has a gimbal which allows for rotation about the xyz called the rx, ry, rz axes. On the end of the gimbal there is a connector that will connect with computer manufactured parts.

The machine closely interacts with 3D Builders, which  allow for many different types of computer aided manufacturing.


3D Robots

Our first product is 3D Robot which will be available soon.

For more details visit the exterior robot page.


One of the most important parts of this robot is the so called robot manipulator which ultimately just takes a 3D Object produced by CM (Computer Manufacturing) and gives it a new orientation. That is it takes it from a certain xyzrxryrz and to a new one. Different manipulators have different levels of agility and use. The best one which we use here will just be a threaded rod on a gimbal which will be on a robot arm or xyz system. It will connect to the connect of the 3d printed part which will be fused with the 3d part through a conductive pattern. To disconnect you just pass current through the conductive pattern and it disconnect. Research still has to be done on whether it is reusable or just one time use. But it does work and it works well. It can also be used to attach any tool head to the robot arm to do almost any function. Finally it can be used to build a computer model to reality.

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